Top Tips to Prepare for Medicine School
- Posted by Lite Regal Education
- Date 11 November 2019
Preparing for Medical Career in High school is not too early
By Dr Jumain TARIQ
DATE : 11/11/2019
Launch the Next Phase of Your Education with Lite Regal Medical Preparation Course.
Do you consider yourself as a future doctor? Are you a high school student dreaming to study medicine and become a medical doctor? There’s a high chance you’ve heard how difficult it is to get into a med school and you are definitely planning ahead to make sure everything goes right and you get accepted.
Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Studying medicine is tough, I know. But believe me, getting into medicine is a lot tougher. Therefore, you have to opt for a medical preparatory course that focusses in logical and critical seasoning held by people who are expert in their field of knowledge. It also includes meeting with doctors and researchers who themselves experienced passing medical entrance exams.
For more details about the Lite Regal Medical Preparation Summer Course look here :
Medical Preparation Summer School for Teenagers
The Importance of Having a Game Plan
The preparation for med school generally begins in high school as you set yourself up to successfully make your way into the school of your dreams. You are struggling every second of your academic life to be among the strongest applicants. At this point, you are well aware that you won’t be getting into a med school until your graduation, unless you are applying for a BA/MD or BS/MD, of course. So, why do you even need to be thinking about preparing for med school right now?
The reason is quite simple- with the ever-increasing competition, medical schools these days are keen to locate candidates who are thoroughly committed to their profession. Think about it, if you needed urgent medical care, you would obviously want someone who is dedicated to medicine wouldn’t you? Not someone who just came into medicine because they could not find a better career? In a similar way, med schools also focus on people with a dedication to medicine, and how can you express your passion? By preparing for med school earlier than others.
Preparing for pre-med means preparing for med school as well. So, while it’s not required that you start planning for medical school from high school, starting off early will give you a very competitive edge over the others. Moreover, it will also help you start your pre-med off on the right foot and will increase your motivation and commitment to medicine more than ever before.
Preparing for Medical School- Story of Paul and Joseph
This is based on a true-life story.
There were two boys: Paul and Joseph. Both were my friends in high school and both had equal opportunities and were on the same career path. They were both aspiring to become doctors and were preparing for medical schools in high school.
However, their approach was different. While Paul’s approach was mostly based on brute force and self-learning (especially by relying on free information found through Google or blogs about how to get into a medical school, trying a lot of different kinds of stuff to see what works and what doesn’t), Joseph’s approach was very different.
Unlike Paul, who slaved away in front of his computer for over a year trying a host of stuff and hoping one would work, Joseph relied on a completely different approach. Joseph decided to use a proven approach that has been working for many students who are now enjoying their medical career in highly-renowned medical schools and universities, realizing that most information that is freely available is either worthless or unorganized. He carefully chose a medical summer school course, studied under top university teachers and educators, found out what techniques he should follow to enhance his CV, and, in this way, tailored his strategy to prepare for a medical school accordingly.
For Paul, it took 2 years to get into a medical school of his choice. He felt helpless but kept on going, repeating the same mistakes. Of course, he made it, but at what cost?
Unlike Paul, though, it took Joseph just a few weeks to get a proper training and pass the UKCAT. He taught himself how to practice critical thinking and analysis along with reasoned arguments, which proved useful for him in both the aptitude section and interviews. He learned exactly what he was going to be “tested” for in the exams. With so many other well-qualified students applying for medical schools, he knew that his personal statement must be very well-written so as to stand out from the crowd. By getting in the medical summer school course, he worked closely with experts to further shine out his first or second draft of the personal statement.
Now, think about it. If you can save yourself precious months of trial and error, and if you could have earned an entrance ticket to a medical school within this period, what would it be worth to you?
This isn’t a simple story being pulled out of thin air. It is based on true life events and involves me, the writer of this story. However, these courses must be taken as soon as possible and if you don’t get in now, it might be too late.
You see, many people trying to get into medicine by following “the Paul method”; slaving away month after month without much to show for it. Unfortunately, the reality of life sets in and many give up before things start to work. While I told you that things eventually worked out for Paul after two years of-of trial and error, what I didn’t tell you was that Paul had an ample amount of time to spare and waste. Do you?
Lite Regal Students enjoying putting in Cambridge.
Now, imagine yourself being Joseph:
What would you be willing to give to make sure that your medical career is all set up within few months, and that you will enter a prestigious medical school within a few months?
What would you give to shortcut the learning process and make things work with less than 70 hours of work and effort, instead of having to process your brain for 12 hours every day for a whole year?
What would you be willing to give to have access to a roadmap, formula or blueprint guaranteed to ensure that you are in a medical school within a few months?

Get yourself Treated with Lite Regal Medical Preparation Course
For the course information look here
Medicine Summer School for students aged 15-18
Being a medical doctor, I know that medical summer school courses offered by institutions like Lite Regal Education are providing precise guidelines to students, supporting them to work through their decision of studying medicine. Courses like these provide tips and tricks on how to work in certain areas of experience to properly prepare for medical school. These courses also ensure that a student who is thinking to peruse medicine is compatible with the required skills, strengths, chosen high school subjects and career aspirations.
Learning Objectives of Lite Regal Medical Preparation Course
This Summer Learn Medicine and have fun and make friends
The learning objectives of this course is as follows:
- Aims of the course At the end, students will be able to appreciate :
Provide an introduction to study of medicine - Which medical schools they will be willing to apply and how to prepare for a medical school.
Instruct students on the entrance criteria and application process What is necessary to pass a medical exam
Teach students the tips to pass the entrance exam - How to write the best personal statement
Offer students introduction to basic medical practices - The structure of the entrance exams and how to ace them
Provide knowledge about subjects like biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology The characteristics of a successful medical school applicant.
Eligibility & Pre-requisites of Lite Regal Medical Preparation Course
Students who are thinking of pursuing this course must:
• Follow Lite Regal age policy (15-18 years of age before 1st Sept 2020)
• Be fluent or near fluent in their English speaking. Contact the registration teams if you are not sure about the fluency of your English level. The registration team are there for you
• Be capable of completing the program’s basic requirements- properly attending lessons, meals, events, and gatherings. Ask the registration team for more information.
• Ensure that they have read and understood the prerequisites before getting enrolled in preparing for medical school
• Provide a consent letter from a parent or guardian
For more information about the Summer School Course if you are 15-18 look here :
Medicine School Preparation Course Syllabus PDF (1)
Why Undertake a Lite Regal Medical Preparation Course. You must undertake this preparatory course as it is designed for anyone who is considering to apply in British medical schools, anyone who wants to know more about the courses available and the steps required to do, and anyone who would love to get a personalised advice on how to write a perfect personal statement.
This course will ensure that students follow best practices during their application procedure and will help to demystify the process and the concerns that some of you may have. It will act as a guiding star to let students know what they need to go through before applying. The course will also work as a career counselor to discuss why medicine might be the course and career for a given candidate.
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