Choose 2 different courses and / or locations.

Dates 2025

Residential: £10,350

Non-Residential: £8,595


Choose 2-3 different courses and / or locations.

Dates 2025

Residential: £14,450

Non-Residential: £12,825


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Psychology Tutor Summer School Tutor
Psychology Tutor

Anshu Bhatnagar

BSc Aberdeen University

Cognitive Pyschology

Detailed Psychology 2/4 week Syllabus PSY201

Psychology Syllabus Image Lite Regal Summer
Psychology Syllabus Image


Location: London University, Cambridge University, Oxford University

Academic: Experimental Psychology, Discuss, study and debate questions of the mind

Industry link: Attend a cutting edge seminar with a guest in a current field of psychology

Outcome: Enhance your CV, academic broadening and knowledge

Awards: Certificate awarded upon completion of the course, graduation ceremony

Tutors: Highly qualified tutors, specialists in their field, educated at top Universities

Social Programme: Exciting social programme including 3 coach trips

Field trip 2025

Visit to the Freud Museum London
(To discover the story of psychoanalysis)
Visit to Bethlem Museum of the Mind

Membership of BPS

British Psychological Society (Since 1901)


Gain 3.5 Credits

Gain detailed Report and Graduation Certificate
These will enhance your CV


Updated : 17th February, 2025

Many students want to know what makes our Psychology Course different from other  summer courses and other summer school providers. Firstly we have a wealth of experience and have been helping students such as yourself explore courses that you may not have the chance to study at High School and do so in a top University setting in London, Cambridge or Oxford University. You will have the chance to live, learn and make friends from the UK and other international schools that have the same goals and ideas as you and to explore the work of Psychology during your summer vacation. All our Courses including the Psychology Course have a unique themed and field visits that bring the in-class workshops and theory to out of class reality workshops in Psychology. We have many unique trips - and unique to the psychology workshops is that students will visits and attend the Psychological society and the Bethlem  Museum of the Mind.

Students will also have a meeting with a practicing psychologist with Q and A and learn about how they test, analyse and treat patients.

This Psychology Summer Course is running for all dates this Summer 2025. As places are limited and  this course is popular all students are recommended to apply with a 15% deposit.



Reasons to Attend Psychology Summer Course for 15-18 Year-Olds by Lite Regal Education at UOL University of London, Cambridge, Oxford University at UOL University of London and Cambridge

by Lite Regal Education

Psychology is essentially the scientific study of mind and behaviour: how we think, feel, act and interact individually and in groups.

At LITE Regal's award winning psychology course, students will be offered an insight and introduction to the topics of psychology offered at a Top University.

This course is aimed primarily to all students interested in the field of psychology or those who would like to study this subject further at a top University. The course is run throughexciting hands-on workshops with mind blowing psychology experiments to help students gain an insight and knowledge into human thoughts and associated behavior. These workshops coupled with top academic tutors and with like-minded students make this an exciting and rewarding course.

Lite Regal Psychology Student Celebrating his achievement in Graduation Day
Lite Regal Psychology Student from Thailand Celebrating his achievement on Graduation Day Cambridge University

Why choose us

Unlike many summer schools LITE Regal offers hands-on workshops in which students are actively encouraged to design (thinking “outside of the box”) various psychological experiments. Students led by the academic tutors both discuss ethical and unethical experiments. In particular with the unethical experiments students are encouraged in groups to discuss and re-design a similar ethical experiment.

  • conduct individual research and direct your own studies into areas that interest you
  • attend a subject-related field trip designed by your tutor to complement your studies

Highly educated tutors will teach students an exciting programme. Classes are lead in a hands-on, workshops approach where students can express themselves through tutor guidance and peer interaction. This academic immersion is coupled with an exciting social programme with day and evening entertainment which will allow students to mix, make new friends and enjoy their summer programme.

This course is available in London or Cambridge and allows students the chance of learning, being accommodated and living in one of the beautiful colleges of Cambridge or London University. This course is designed to motivate and inspire students and let them have fun and make friends with other students from all over the world. In 2025 Lite Regal Summer School was attended by students from over 60 nationalities. Cambridge is a beautiful city and academic powerhouse and London is a cosmopolitan vibrant city in the United Kingdom UK. Both cities are ideal places to study Psychology.


Lite Regal Education, established in 1993, invites students aged 15-18 to embark on an enriching two-week journey into the fascinating world of psychology. Hosted at renowned academic institutions like University of London (UOL) and in the vibrant cities of London and Cambridge, this summer course offers a unique blend of academic rigor, practical learning, and cultural exploration.

Lite Regal Psychology Student Celebrating his achievement in Graduation Day
Lite Regal Psychology Student from Thailand Celebrating his achievement on Graduation Day Cambridge University

Reasons to Attend:

  1. Academic Excellence:
    • Learn from seasoned educators and professionals in the field of psychology, gaining insights from their expertise.
    • Explore a curated curriculum that covers fundamental psychological theories, methodologies, and contemporary issues.
  2. Interactive Learning Experience:
    • Engage in dynamic lectures, interactive workshops, and hands-on experiments to deepen understanding and application of psychological concepts.
    • Participate in group discussions, case studies, and presentations, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.
  3. Practical Application:
    • Gain practical experience through immersive activities, psychological experiments, and real-world applications, bringing theoretical knowledge to life.
    • Collaborate on group projects, honing research and teamwork skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.
  4. University Atmosphere:
    • Experience life on a university campus, with accommodation provided, giving a taste of the academic and social aspects of university life.
    • Attend lectures in state-of-the-art facilities at UOL University or in the iconic cities of London and Cambridge, enhancing the overall learning environment.
  5. Cultural Exploration:
    • Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of London and Cambridge through organized cultural excursions.
    • Explore museums, historical landmarks, and relevant sites, connecting theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
  6. Global Networking:
    • Interact with like-minded peers from around the world, fostering international friendships and expanding cultural perspectives.
    • Benefit from networking opportunities with instructors and professionals in the field, laying the groundwork for future academic and career endeavors.
  7. Personal Development:
    • Develop essential life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.
    • Build confidence through public speaking opportunities, group projects, and the exploration of one's own academic interests within psychology.
  8. Summer Enrichment:
    • Make the most of the summer break by combining education with recreation, providing a balanced and enjoyable learning experience.
    • Participate in extracurricular activities and social events, creating lasting memories with peers.
  9. Certificate of Completion:
    • Receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, acknowledging the dedication and achievement in the field of psychology.

Lite Regal Education's Psychology Summer Course at UOL University of London and Cambridge offers a transformative experience, equipping young minds with valuable knowledge, skills, and a passion for the fascinating field of psychology.

Introduction to Experimental Psychology - Course and Syllabus Outline Summer Class 2025 London and Cambridge

Course Overview: This 10-day course is designed to introduce students aged 15-18 to the principles and methods of experimental psychology. Through a combination of interactive morning classes and hands-on afternoon workshops, students will explore various areas of experimental psychology, conduct experiments, analyze data, and gain insight into the scientific study of human behavior. The course will integrate theory with practical application, providing a comprehensive introduction to experimental psychology.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduce students to the fundamentals of experimental psychology.
  • Explore key concepts in cognitive, social, and developmental psychology.
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills through hands-on experiments.
  • Foster scientific inquiry and research methodology.
  • Encourage teamwork and collaboration through workshop activities.

Course Structure - Intensive Psychology Course over 2 weeks


Day 1 Monday: Introduction to Experimental Psychology

  • Morning Class: Overview of Experimental Psychology
  • Afternoon Workshop: Introduction to Research Methods and Ethics

Day 2 Tuesday: Biological Foundations of Behavior

  • Morning Class: The Brain and Nervous System
  • Afternoon Workshop: Neurons and Neurotransmitters Experiment

Day 3 Wednesday: Sensation and Perception

  • Morning Class: Perception and Sensory Processes
  • Afternoon Workshop: Visual Illusions and Perception Experiment

Day 4 Thursday: Learning and Memory

  • Morning Class: Theories of Learning and Memory
  • Afternoon Workshop: Memory Experiment and Recall Tasks

Day 5 Friday: Social Psychology

  • Morning Class: Social Influence and Group Dynamics
  • Afternoon Workshop: Social Experiment and Group Behavior Analysis


Day 6 Monday: Developmental Psychology

  • Morning Class: Theories of Development (Piaget, Erikson)
  • Afternoon Workshop: Child Development Experiment and Observation

Day 7 Tuesday: Cognitive Psychology

  • Morning Class: Cognitive Processes (Attention, Language)
  • Afternoon Workshop: Cognitive Task Experiment and Problem-Solving Activities

Day 8 Wednesday: Experimental Design and Data Analysis

  • Morning Class: Experimental Design and Variables
  • Afternoon Workshop: Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data

Day 9 Thursday: Applied Experimental Psychology

  • Morning Class: Applications in Clinical and Forensic Psychology
  • Afternoon Workshop: Case Study Analysis and Discussion

Day 10 Friday: Research Presentation and Wrap-Up

  • Morning Class: Preparation of Experiment Presentations
  • Afternoon Workshop: Experiment Presentations and Feedback

Additional Activities:

  • Guest Lectures from Experimental Psychologists
  • Field Trip to a Psychology Laboratory or Research Facility
  • Film Screening on Psychological Experiments and Discoveries


  • Participation in morning classes and afternoon workshops
  • Conducting and presenting experimental findings
  • Final reflective essay on the importance of experimental psychology

Suggested Resources:

  • Textbooks on Experimental Psychology
  • Scientific articles and research papers
  • Online resources (videos, podcasts, articles)
  • Psychological experiments and demonstrations

Note: The course syllabus is designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging introduction to experimental psychology for high school students. Morning classes will cover theoretical concepts, while afternoon workshops will focus on practical applications through hands-on experiments and activities. The schedule allows students to immerse themselves in the scientific process of psychology and gain valuable skills in research and analysis. Adjustments to the syllabus may be made based on student interests and feedback to ensure an enriching learning experience.

Academic content

Psychology – ‘The science of behaviour and mental processes’.

  • What enables two people to get on with one another?
  • Why do we behave the way we do?
  • Do we have free will or are we driven by our environment, biology or non-conscious influences?
  • Why do humans hurt other humans?

This course will contain all the areas of psychology that students find exciting including:

  • Forensic Psychology and Criminology
  • Social Psychology
  • Business and organisational psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  • Psychopharmacology

The course is workshop and tutorial driven, which provides students with an important opportunity for the learning and discussion of the course. Students will be asked to do individual research in their chosen field of psychology and learn to interpret data and to make a presentation in front of fellow students and tutor.

Students will get the chance to discuss, study and debate questions of the mind in lively, open, tutor-led sessions. Tutors will provide a grounding in the main schools of thought and notable contributors in the development of psychology; Freud and psychoanalysis the study of the unconscious mind in relation to childhood experiences, personality and sexuality; Wilhelm Wundt and structuralism the practice of interviewing and recording thought and behaviour; William James and functionalism questioning why we think, feel, act; Pavlov and behaviourism the way we adapt to our environment.

This will lead into the introduction of the new modern scientific approach of ‘experimental psychology’. An approach based on the principles of scientific research, experiment, recording quantifiable data for analysis, leading to measurable hypotheses.

Through structured teaching, workshops and real experiments students will gain knowledge and hands-on experience of this new approach. Students will be encouraged to construct statements on human behaviour and mental processes that are measurable and testable. They will be guided in the use of scientific techniques using experimental and control groups, understanding the need for randomised samples and ‘placebos’, gain the ability to manipulate variables to isolate effects, and from data analyse their initial hypothesis. Students will present to the group their approach and findings and certification will be assessed on their own psychology experiment.

Lite Regal Psychology Summer Course
The Stanford Prison Experiment - Psychology Workshop to investigate the power between prisoners and wardens

Example of a student’s psychology experiment class of 2025

  • Hypothesis: Humans mental processes are faster with caffeine (or energy drink)
  • Experimental Group: Randomly selected from sample volunteers. Given caffeine (or energy drink) in 100mg variable dosages
  • Control Group: Randomly selected from sample volunteers. Given decaf as 'placebo'
  • Measurable task: Get to end of computer maze in the shortest time
  • Recording findings: Data recorded for results of both groups
  • Analysis: Do the results confirm or dispute the original statement, can the results be replicated

Memory Tests:

  • Hypothesis : Female participants will score higher on tests for memory of stories than male participants.
  • Hypothesis : Male participants will score higher on tests for memory of numbers than female participants.

Behaviour Tests:

  • Hypothesis: Do people help more when they are alone or with their friends.

Marshmellow Test :

  • Delaying gratification to explain self-control and the hot and cold system.

See https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/09/what-the-marshmallow-test-really-teaches-about-self-control/380673/


Gain an understanding in major approaches of psychology: cognitive, behavioural, biological, psychodynamic

Workshop driven: students participate in in-class experiments, to design, run and present data from original psychological experiments.

Learn about cutting edge psychology such as forensic psychology where application of psychology combines with legal issues. Explore criminal behaviour and what makes people commit crimes.

In addition to lectures, students participate in in-class experiments demonstrating key psychological phenomena. Working in teams, and under instructor supervision, students design, run, and present data from an original psychological experiment.

The academic and practical approach will be enhanced by visits to the British Psychological Society for presentations on current topics together with visits to the Science Museum and Freud Museum in London.

Learning objectives

  • Gain an understanding of psychology, its foundations and new thinking
  • an insight into psychology aa a future university course
  • an awareness of careers in the areas of behaviour, occupation, clinical and forensic psychology
  • a course that will develop skills in scientific methodology, analytical thinking, project management and presentation

Owen Gingerich a leading Harvard astronomer who looked into the depths of space said, “The human brain is by far the most complex physical object known to us in the entire cosmos.”

Taste of profession

Students who enrol on the Psychology course will be given Membership as an e-subscriber of the British Psychological Society.Students will attend a cutting edge seminar with a guest in a current field of psychology such as “Forensic Psychology” (Details for 2025 seminar are still TBC).

E-membership of the Society is included in the course.

E-Subscriber benefits include:

  • an electronic copy of the monthly magazine The Psychologist
  • access to exclusive members benefits package
  • eligibility to join the divisions, sections and special groups of the society

How will I benefit

LITE Regal Summer School will be an experience to remember. You’ll develop personally and academically as you are inspired, challenged and supported. From the programme you can expect to:

  • gain invaluable insight through workshops that could prove advantageous in your future University application and career choice
  • explore and choose the field of psychology that interests you
  • develop critical solving skills
  • make new friends from all over the world
  • learn from world-class academics and researchers at a University ranked second best in the world
  • improve your study skills whilst working in a range of stimulating environments
  • develop your practical skills as well as your theoretical knowledge
  • work in teams to develop your interpersonal and organisational abilities
  • enjoy the LITE Regal experience

Outside classroom

The LITE Regal Summer School isn’t all about work! Our dedicated Events Team has created an exciting action packed social programme to complement your studies to ensure you have as much fun as possible, make friends and get the most out of your stay with us.

Please visit our activities page for more details: Cambridge  London

Cultural Excursions

Excursions take a full advantage of an excellent transport network both from London and Cambridge, giving you a real taste of life in England.
Destinations can include: Harry Potter World, Windsor Castle & Eton College, Oxford, Brighton, Chessington World of Adventure.

After School Activities

There is so much going on in London and Cambridge and we don’t think you’ll be bored. After classes you’ll have a range of activities to enjoy too.
Here are a few examples of the kind of activities you might have the opportunity to enjoy this summer:
visiting London Eye, Madame Tussauds or the famous Houses of Parliament, film nights, punting down the river, visiting a West End Theatre, themed parties, sports including tennis, swimming, dancing and many more.

Free Time

We understand that students will want some free time to relax, attend to personal administration and contact their families. Some free time will be provided for rest and relaxation, however, we believe the most valuable experience to the student is a fully immersive, packed programme of activities and so students should expect to be engaged in team activities for the majority of time.


Week one

12 - 4.30pm Arrival at Campus

Collect your welcome pack and ID card. Move to your room and unpack. Meet with other students. Tea & coffee for parents.

5pm - 6pm Welcome Reception

summer school Cambridge campus Welcome presentation by the Programme Director. Introduction of the Academic Staff.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included at the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Icebraker Activities

Meet your Counsellors and get to know each other.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Introduction to your chosen subject.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm Introduction Tours

Get introduced to the town, visiting famous landmarks.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Treasure Hunt, Board Games

summer school students on treasure hunt in Cambridge You will be taken into street on the fact finding and creative treasure hunt or stay on campus to play various board games. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons to your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Business course Summer School Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

2pm - 6pm Tours of Kings College, Fencing Session, Volleyball

Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each afternoon. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Shakespeare Festival, Archimedes and His Bath Workshop

See Shakespeare come to life in the college gardens or join our science workshop. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm Punting Down The River

summer schools students punting in Cambridge Punt tour through the college backs. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each afternoon. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Disco, Cinema Night

Dance the night away or watch the latest movie blockbusters. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons to your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12noon Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.noon - 1pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1pm - 10.30pm Cultural Excursion To Oxford

summer school students visiting Oxford Explore the famous Oxford University, visit huge range of museums and famous landmarks. Dinner in restaurant in Oxford.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Best Summer School UK Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm Cambridge University Botanic Gardens, Tennis

Discover plants from all over the world, or enjoy a game of tennis with expert coach. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each afternoon. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Show Your Talent, Salsa

Learn some Latin moves from industry professionals, or participate in the talent show. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 6pm Full Day Trip To Windsor Castle

summer school students visiting Windsor Castle Visit the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world. For further options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Observe The Stars, Quiz Night

Visit the Institute of Astronomy and learn more about the Universe, or test your knowledge in our quiz night. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

Week two

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall.

9am - 12.30am Free Time

Work on your assignments, explore the town in groups.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 6pm Free Time, Creative Workshops, Attend Local Festival

summer school students enjoying festival Enjoy free time with your new friends, do some arts and crafts or join our Counsellors at local festival.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Ice Cream, Barbecue

Trip to an ice cream parlour, or barbecue in the gardens. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm Afternoon Tea At Orchard Gardens, Rounders

Enjoy the British pastime of afternoon tea, tuck into scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam or play a game of rounders in the college grounds. Our Counsellors provide a range of afternoon activities each day. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Ghost Tour, Zumba

Spend an evening regaling spooky tales from the University colleges and streets of Cambridge, or get moving and shaking into shape with Zumba. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons to your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

2pm - 6pm Imperial War Museum Duxford, Trampolining

students excursion in summer school Visit the historic airfield and museum of aviation history, or bounce your way through the air on a bed of interconnecting trampolines. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each afternoon. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Bowling, Drumming Workshop

Create a whole new piece of music with fellow students or put on some bowling shoes and Rock-n-Bowl the night away. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm University Admissions Discussions, Fitzwilliam Museum

Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each afternoon. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm LITE Regal Olympics

Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead.

9am - 6pm Field Visits, University Tours London Full Day Trip

Field visits relevant to your chosen subject (Google Campus, Royal Courts of Justice), visits to UCL, Imperial College, LSE, King College, followed by excursions in London.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner in the college dining hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Movie Night

Relax after busy day watching latest blockbusters. Our Counsellors provide a range of activities each evening. For more options please see our activities pages in Cambridge or London.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 9am Breakfast

Breakfast at college dinning hall. Get prepared for a day ahead. Walk to the classroom.

9am - 10.30am Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

10.30am - 11am Break

Time for tea, coffee or other refreshments.

11am - 12.30pm Morning Lessons

Morning lessons in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch Break

Lunch at the college dinning hall. Lunch is included for all LITE Regal students.

1.30pm - 3.30pm Afternoon Workshop

Workshop session in your chosen subject delivered by expert tutors.

4pm - 6pm Graduation Ceremony

Graduation ceremony held on the campus (parents are welcome to attend). Speech from the programme director. Students present their work. Collect your certificate and academic report.

6pm - 7.30pm Dinner

Three-course dinner included in the college dinning hall.

7.30pm - 10.30pm Graduation Party

Celebrate your achievements. Spend last night with your summer school friends. Themed party.

10.30pm - 11pm Curfew

Lights out.

7.30am - 8.30am: Breakfast

Breakfast provided at college dining hall.

9am - 5pm: Departures

Say goodbye to your friends and staff. Drop offs to the airports.


You will be accommodated in one of the College campuses. You will be allocated a room, usually sharing a twin room with another student of the same gender. Typically students will be accommodated on single-sex corridors or floors, with staff members and mentors always available on site. Living all together is a great way to make friends and sample the university lifestyle, as the welcoming environment allows you to develop a sense of community.

Breakfast and lunch is served and eaten in the College dining hall, which provides a bright and comfortable space for communal meals. Students will enjoy a varied and healthy diet: all meals are freshly prepared and special diets can be catered for with advance notice. A three-course dinner is provided daily either in the College dining hall, or in various restaurants as part of the social programme.

Safety and Security on Campus

Students will be overseen by our course leaders and residential staff to classes and activities, who ensure that students are looked after pastorally and socially during their programme and are available to assist students at any time of the day or night.

All students will be issued with emergency contact details for staff members and will be given a full safety briefing on arrival.

Student welfare

LITE Regal Summer School offers a safe and secure environment that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by our friendly and professional team. We have a dedicated team of Managers, Teachers and College Mentors. The welfare of our students is our main priority at all times and our staff specialise in the pastoral care of older teenagers.

Management Team

Our Management team is headed by the College Principal, who takes responsibility for the daily running of the college, and supervises the Academic Programme. The Social & Welfare Manager takes charge of the Social Programme and is supported by a team of College Mentors, who ensure everyone is happy, safe and having fun.

Working together, our Managers ensure that every aspect of the college runs smoothly, safely and offers every student the chance to participate fully.

College Mentors

Our Mentors are key members of staff who support and assist our students within the college accommodation and throughout the Social Programme.


Students on the Psychology course:

  • must be aged 15-18 before 1st September 2025 (if you are unsure of the age criteria entry please contact our registration team)
  • must show passion for psychology and subjects related to it
  • must be fluent or near-fluent English language speakers – if you are unsure whether your English level is suitable for this programme, please contact our registration team
  • must show motivation for attending the programme and participate in terms of attendance at lessons, meals and events

All successful applicants will also be required to provide a signed letter of consent from their parent or guardian. If offered a place, students and parents / guardians will also be required to sign a Code of Conduct for the summer school.

What's included

The cost of one LITE Regal Summer School programme is £5,495 and includes the following:


  • Over 40 Hours Of Tuition Over Two Weeks
  • All Course Materials
  • Guest Lectures And Industry Visits
  • Academic Reports And Certificates

Social programme

  • Wide Range Of Afternoon & Evening Activities
  • 3 Coach Excursions To Various Parts Of UK
  • Graduation Party


  • Accommodation On The University Campus
  • Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner
  • Free WiFi (subject to availability)
  • Bed Linen & Towels Provided


  • LITE Regal Welcome Pack
  • T-Shirt
  • Souvenir

How To Apply

Applying online is the fastest way to secure your place on one of our courses. Please note that a deposit of 15% of total course fees or full payment is required when submitting your online application. We cannot process the application until at least the deposit has been received. If for any reason we cannot offer you a place, any fees you have paid will be refunded.

As the places are limited we recommend you to settle the remaining balance for your course as soon as possible. The remaining balance is due no later than 60 days prior to the start of the course.

Please click the link below to get started with your application: You will need to select the course(s) and dates you wish to study with us.

Apply Online Now

If you would like to, you can apply for one of our courses via paper application form, which can be downloaded by clicking the link below. A deposit of 15% of total fees or full payment is required to accompany your application form. This can be paid by credit / debit card, bank transfer or cheque. Our bank details are provided on the form. We cannot process the application until at least the deposit has been received. If for any reason we cannot offer you a place, any fees you have paid will be refunded.

As the places are limited we recommend you to settle the remaining balance for your course as soon as possible. The remaining balance is due no later than 60 days prior to the start of the course.

Please complete the application form providing as many details as possible and send it back to us in one of the following ways:

by email to: admissions@literegal.co.uk

by post to: LITE Regal Education, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BR, United Kingdom

Download Paper Application Form