Any child who enjoys maths at school and want to push their mathematics taught in school to an even higher level should choose this option.
Our Teachers are Educated in the Best Universities and will push the boundaries of their maths to another level. Your Child will be split into groups according to the level of achievement in Maths and will be set maths problems and exercises to push their knowledge further. Whether they have difficulties at school in Maths or would like to excel and push them selves further in Maths this option would be the ideal choice. It is and Aimed at bright and inquisitive 10-12 year or KS2 and KS3 (Key stage 2 and 3) or IB equivalents who enjoys maths this course aims to put pre-teens who enjoy maths together and allow them to rush their knowledgeable understanding in a maths
The teacher will with workshops and through audiovisual equipment and interactive computers, will make the maths lessons fun and lessons fun and enjoyable.
The Lessons will typically cover :
Ratio, proportion and rate of change
Geometry and measures
Quick Glance
Beginners to Advanced
taught in an enjoyable and fun way