- A challenging and comprehensive structured online Engineering course taught online by a fully qualified Engineering tutor from a top UK University. Learn Engineering from wherever you are in the World - Online and Distant learning through Google Classroom, Adobe Connect and Zoom / Microsoft Meeting
- Be thoroughly prepared for Engineering before University. Improve your mathematical skills necessary to be a good engineer
- Gain 3.5 credits and receive a detailed report with graduation certificate. These will enhance your CV and prove useful if you wish to apply to University for Engineering. Ideal for IB, A level or equivalent Sixth Form students in UK and Abroad.
- Exciting workshops that will require you to construct and build engineering models - kits will be sent to you to supplement the theory - drones, robots and mechanical and construction kits
20 hours of academic contact time
- 1:2:1 time with the Tutor
- 7.5 hours of Workshops and Case Study
- 1 hour of guest lectures
- Admission talk by University Admissions Officer
In addition to tuition, students also receive:
- Pre-course learning materials
- Meet other students interested in Law from around the world and collaborate collectively
- Gain Credits and gain confidence in Law

This course has been developed to be of interest to all those Engineering students who are unable to attend our infamous Engineering Summer School for Senior High School found here https://www.literegal.co.uk/summer-school/courses-ages-15-18/engineering-preparation/.
It is a recommended course for any students wishing or thinking of studying engineering in the future at a top University in the UK or abroad. All students who take this course should expect to work hard and be challenged. The course will provide a thorough grounding of all areas of Engineering – civil , mechanical, aeronautical and electrical engineering as well as strengthen the students Maths needed in engineering.
This Online Engineering course is for all students aged 15-18 from the UK and abroad who are interested in Engineering and because of the COVID–19 are unable to attend the face to face traditional Engineering Summer School.
The course is designed for all student who would like to learn design and build engineering objects and learn the principals of engineering through these objects. The Online Engineering course will be taught through a combination Zoom and Microsoft Meeting and involve interactive e-learning workshops and lessons, virtual platform through Icloud and Google Drive.
It is designed to keep all students busy and engaged during the summer period and who are interested in studying Engineering at University. This course will be invaluable help to those students who wish to study Engineering at a top University, and wish to know what areas of specialism in Engineering will suit them. The contents of the Online Engineering Preparation will be challenging to all students aged 15-18 and will cover the course contents of the 1st year of Engineering at University. It will cover all the major aspects of Engineering taught in a 21st century style to keep students engaged and learning through a mixture of workshops and theory.


Students will learn about the different branches and disciplines of engineering:
Aeronautical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Earth Sciences Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Material Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
As Maths forms a fundamental basis of Engineering and aspiring engineers need to be good at Maths, this online course will also provide you with the Maths foundation. University engineering students should find the Maths used in Engineering challenging and rewarding.
Maths Covered: Algebra, Calculus Intermediate to Advanced, Trigonometry, Statistics, Differential Equations
Students will also be “exposed” to practical simulations to design and construct structures to reinforce that knowledge gained. Through theory and practical application and group discussion the learning will be enjoyable and rewarding and intellectually stimulating.
The course allows students to lean the concepts challenges, theory and mathematics behind modern engineering. Students will be involved in projects that aim to bring engineering solutions to 21st century global challenges that face us. It will involve the engineering and design and build of:
1/ Global challenges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through engineering – develop clean and renewable technologies – solar, wind – photovoltaic, thermoelectrics, wind energy
2/ Engineering fundamentals in exploring sea , space and earth – to include vehicles- design and build challenges faced by engineering in vehicles systems to explore hostile territories
3/ The engineering challenges behind driverless vehicles - aeronautical engineering , couples with mechanical engineering - machine and robotics to enhance our 21st century lives – the drones, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles
4/ Civil engineering – the exploration of 21st century new building materials - how to build higher and stronger to solve our housing crisis
5/ Precision devices - machines – robotics
6/Nano engineering

A lot of the Online Engineering course will be online workshops that will enable students to learn by visualising engineering and by designing and building models and structures. Engineering kits that will be used and sent in advance for students to construct during workshops will include :
1/ Mini drone construct and build kit
2/ Arduino electronic starter engineering kit
3/ Makeblock mbot ranger transformable
4/ Horizon fuel cell car and horizon hydro car
5/ Combustion engine and jet engine design and build kit
Recommended books for the Online Engineering course:
Engineering Mathematics by KA Shroud

WEEK ONE | 8.30AM - 10.30AM | 10.30AM - 11AM | 11AM - 1PM |
MONDAY | MORNING LESSON Introduction to Engineering concepts and the course Study of the different branches of Engineering |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Intro to Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Fluid Engineering, Thermodynamics and Power Generation, Fluid Mechanics |
TUESDAY | MORNING LESSON Introduction to Mechanics of materials and theory and design of steel and concrete structures dynamic and control, Introduction to dynamic and force |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Renewable electric power, Computer vision |
WEDNESDAY | MORNING LESSON Guest talk on engineering careers and how to succeed in engineering at University |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Mechanic and materials, Fundamentals of material behaviour and design of materials, Maths for engineers, Vectors and differential equations |
THURSDAY | MORNING LESSON Maths for Engineers, Trigonometry and Calculus |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Guide to admissions into top Universities, Personal statement and interview and what engineering discipline to take |
FRIDAY | MORNING LESSON Civil Engineering, Structures Hydraulics, Geotechnics, Civil and Structural Engineering |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Design of bridges, Road building and how they impact on the environment, 21st century buildings and civil engineering |
WEEK TWO | 8.30AM - 10.30AM | 10.30AM - 11AM | 11AM - 1PM |
MONDAY | MORNING LESSON Basics of aerospace engineering, Design of turbo engines and combustion engines |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Propulsion and look renewable energy calculus |
TUESDAY | MORNING LESSON Introduction to electrical engineering EE, Circuits, Look into driverless autonomous vehicles, drones |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Build of robots, drones |
WEDNESDAY | MORNING LESSON EE data structures and electrical machines, Alternate power supply, Study of photovoltaic cells |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Magnetic materials and introduction to superconductors, Maths for engineers |
THURSDAY | MORNING LESSON Maths for Engineers, Trigonometry and algebra |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Open tutorial and open session "Help on which Universities to apply to" |
FRIDAY | MORNING LESSON Renewable sources of energy, Solar radiation, Solar energy collection, Energy storage - application, cooling and heating |
Coffee / Tea break | LABS AND WORKSHOPS Solar photo, Voltaic conversion, Biomass and tidal energy |